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Star Wars The Mandalorian - The Child Life-Size Statue
Star Wars The Mandalorian - The Child Life-Size Statue Star Wars The Mandalorian - The Child Life-Size Statue Star Wars The Mandalorian - The Child Life-Size Statue Star Wars The Mandalorian - The Child Life-Size Statue Star Wars The Mandalorian - The Child Life-Size Statue

Star Wars The Mandalorian - The Child Life-Size Statue


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Listahinta: 569,99 €
Tilaa tänään - Toimitus Touko  2025. Tilaustuote
Tilaa tänään - Toimitus Touko  2025. Toimitus Touko  2025



42 cm












  • Tilaustuotteet, jonka arvioitu toimitusaika on aikaisintaan Touko  2025
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  • Maksat varauksen yhteydessä 20 prosentin ennakkomaksun. Loput 80 prosenttia maksetaan, kun tuote on saapunut varastolle.
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  • Varauksen yhteydessä maksetaan 4,99 euron toimitusmaksu. Tällä tavalla maksat vain yhden toimitusmaksun, vaikka varaisit useita tuotteita, joiden arvioidut toimituspäivät vaihtelevat ja jotka näin ollen lähetetään erillisinä toimituksina
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  • Lisätietoja ennakkotilauksista löydät toimitusehtojemme kohdasta 5.

Tietoja tuotteesta

Sideshow presents The Child Life-Size Figure, created in partnership with Legacy Effects to bring you the galaxy's most sought-after bounty.

Lovingly referred to by audiences as 'Baby Yoda', the mysterious alien known as The Child has quickly become the breakout fan-favorite of Star Wars™: The Mandalorian on Disney+. Now eager collectors can become a clan of two and bring home the asset as an incredible 1:1 scale Star Wars collectible, no tracking fob needed.

The Child Life-Size Figure measures 16.5" tall, standing on a simple ship deck base that lets this adorable alien steal all of the focus- along with the Mandalorian's ship parts. Inspired by its unique onscreen appearance, this mixed media statue features a tan fabric coat swaddling The Child as it gazes up with charming wide eyes, hiding the silver shift knob from the Razor Crest™ in its right hand.

Every inch of this incredibly lifelike figure has been meticulously detailed to recreate everything that Star Wars fans love about the young alien, from the fuzz on its wrinkled head to its irresistible pout, all the way down to its tiny, toddling feet. Fans looking to bring home The Mandalorian collectibles need look no further- bounty hunting is a complicated profession but collecting the galaxy's cutest alien has never been easier!

Secure the asset for your Star Wars figures collection and bring home The Child Life-Size Figure today.

Product Size: 42 x 33 x 23 cm


Keräilijän patsaat, Baby Yoda (Grogu), Patsaat & Lukuja, The Mandalorian, Toimintahahmot & Collectibles, Sideshow, Star Wars, Teemat, Tuotemerkit, Sale

Product Info

Sideshow presents The Child Life-Size Figure, created in partnership with Legacy Effects to bring you the galaxy's most sought-after bounty.

Lovingly referred to by audiences as 'Baby Yoda', the mysterious alien known as The Child has quickly become the breakout fan-favorite of Star Wars™: The Mandalorian on Disney+. Now eager collectors can become a clan of two and bring home the asset as an incredible 1:1 scale Star Wars collectible, no tracking fob needed.

The Child Life-Size Figure measures 16.5" tall, standing on a simple ship deck base that lets this adorable alien steal all of the focus- along with the Mandalorian's ship parts. Inspired by its unique onscreen appearance, this mixed media statue features a tan fabric coat swaddling The Child as it gazes up with charming wide eyes, hiding the silver shift knob from the Razor Crest™ in its right hand.

Every inch of this incredibly lifelike figure has been meticulously detailed to recreate everything that Star Wars fans love about the young alien, from the fuzz on its wrinkled head to its irresistible pout, all the way down to its tiny, toddling feet. Fans looking to bring home The Mandalorian collectibles need look no further- bounty hunting is a complicated profession but collecting the galaxy's cutest alien has never been easier!

Secure the asset for your Star Wars figures collection and bring home The Child Life-Size Figure today.

Product Size: 42 x 33 x 23 cm


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