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Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Boba Fett & Rancor Demi Art Scale Statue - 1/20
Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Boba Fett & Rancor Demi Art Scale Statue - 1/20 Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Boba Fett & Rancor Demi Art Scale Statue - 1/20 Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Boba Fett & Rancor Demi Art Scale Statue - 1/20 Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Boba Fett & Rancor Demi Art Scale Statue - 1/20 Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Boba Fett & Rancor Demi Art Scale Statue - 1/20

Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - Boba Fett & Rancor Demi Art Scale Statue - 1/20

1 199,99

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Tilaa tänään - Toimitus Elo    2025. Tilaustuote
Tilaa tänään - Toimitus Elo    2025. Toimitus Elo    2025





38 cm




Iron Studios






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Star Wars -patsas Iron Studiosilta!

Tämä hämmästyttävä jäljennös yhdestä Boba Fettin kirjan sarjan vaikuttavimmista kohtauksista on luotu kiinnittäen äärimmäistä huomiota pienimpiinkin yksityiskohtiin tekstuurien, maalauksen ja uskollisuuden osalta alkuperäisten referenssien perusteella, ja se esiteltiin yksityiskohtaisesti ensimmäisessä Inside Iron Studios Day 2023 -tapahtumassa helmikuussa YouTubessa. Jo ennakkotilattavissa, tutustu myös patsaaseen "Mando`s N-1 Starfighter - The Book of Boba Fett - Demi Art Scale 1/20", jolla julkaistaan Iron Studiosin ensimmäinen Star Wars -universumin tähtihävittäjä, joka on myös peräisin sarjasta. Tarkista pian lisää uutisia Star Wars -universumista Iron Studiosilta.

Koko: 38 cm


Keräilijän patsaat, Iron Studios, Patsaat & Lukuja, Toimintahahmot & Collectibles, Boba Fett, Star Wars, Teemat, Tuotemerkit

Product Info

In the rustic and dangerous desert planet of Tatooine, on a battlefield in the populated city of Mos Espa controlled by the criminal Hutt Cartel, the old bounty hunter and crime lord, now a Daimyo, a local ruler maintained through the allegiance and tribute of vassals, rides the back of a giant and fearsome bipedal beast, that balances the fight in favor of its master, and under his control, destroys a lethal enemy combat droid. With the wreckage at his feet, the monster holds one of the metallic legs of the machine in his huge left hand and raises with his right hand a soldier of the Pyke Syndicate, which are rivals of his tutor in the underworld. An epic combat set represented in the statue "Boba Fett & Rancor - The Book of Boba Fett - Demi Art Scale 1/20" by Iron Studios, inspired by Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor of The Book of Boba Fett series, a Star Wars Spin-off, the episode was written by Jon Favreau and directed by the legendary Robert Rodriguez, broadcasted on the Streaming Service Disney Plus.

As a tribute and an apology for sending the Wookie gladiator named Krrsantan to kill him, the Hutts known as The Twins gift the Daimyo Boba Fett with a Rancor, a large semi-sentient reptilian carnivore, native of planet Dathomir, violent and irrational due to being used as a war weapon. Having his side view limited by blinkers, Boba removed them and started to relate with his new creature, asking Rancor's trainer that taught him to ride it the same way the Witches of Dathomir would. When the Pyke Syndicate started using Tatooine as a part of their spice trade, Fett stood against them in a battle in which he and his allies were being defeated and cornered by Scorpenek droids equipped with deflector shields, against which their weapons were almost useless. To balance it, Fett got away from the combat site and came back mounted on his Rancor, jumping over many buildings, dodging the Scorpeneks` fires, and changing the course of the battle.

Revealed firsthand during CCXP 2022, and presented in detail on the first Inside Iron Studios Day of 2023 in February on YouTube, this fantastic reproduction of one of the most striking scenes of The Book of Boba Fett series was created with max attention to the tiniest details of the textures, painting, and fidelity based on the original references. Already available for Pre-Order, check out also the statue "Mando`s N-1 Starfighter - The Book of Boba Fett - Demi Art Scale 1/20", with the release of the first starfighter from the Star Wars universe by Iron Studios also derivative from the series. Check out more news soon from the universe of Star Wars by Iron Studios.

Product dimensions: 38 cm


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