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Marvel - Mysterio Deluxe Art Scale Statue - 1/10
Marvel - Mysterio Deluxe Art Scale Statue - 1/10 Marvel - Mysterio Deluxe Art Scale Statue - 1/10 Marvel - Mysterio Deluxe Art Scale Statue - 1/10 Marvel - Mysterio Deluxe Art Scale Statue - 1/10 Marvel - Mysterio Deluxe Art Scale Statue - 1/10

Marvel - Mysterio Deluxe Art Scale Statue - 1/10


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Tilaa tänään - Toimitus Loka   2025. Tilaustuote
Tilaa tänään - Toimitus Loka   2025. Toimitus Loka   2025





31 cm




Iron Studios






  • Tilaustuotteet, jonka arvioitu toimitusaika on aikaisintaan Loka   2025
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The Master of Illusio nism, Spider-Man 's riv al, in a new statue by Iron Studios!

Levitating over technological devices and surroun ded by tentacles of an emerald mist that emanates from his left fist and coils arou nd his legs, the villain master of illusionism appear s holding in his right hand a sphere made of the same enigmatic fog that surroun ds him. With his traditional green costume and pur ple cape, with his face hid den inside a moon-shaped globe on his head, his plans to defeat his greatest rival, Spider-Man , are as complex and almost ind ecipherable as the codename he adop ted in his crimin al career. A true master strategist, using holograms, drones, mirr or tricks, and even andr oids in his plans, he joins other great villains of the Friend ly Neigh borhoo d hero in the form of a fantastic statue from Iron Stu dios that presents "Mysterio Deluxe - Sp ider-Man vs Villains Diorama - BDS Art Scale 1/10", adding to anoth er Iron Stu dios dio rama inspired by Mar vel comic books.

My sterio, the Master of Illusio ns, is Quentin Beck, a talented stunt coord inator and special effects technician who, frustrated by not achieving fame, decided to use his skills and knowledge for crime. He then started creating magic tricks for supervillains. His first job was to create the illusion that the villain known as The Tinker er was secr etly an alien. After seeing this plan foiled by Sp ider-Man , Beck became revo lted and turn ed into the supervillain known as My sterio, with the goal of defeating the arachnid hero . Beck first preten ded to be a new hero inten ding to bring Sp ider-Man to justice, with the support of edito r J. Jonah Jameson, and he also imper sonated Sp ider-Man committin g crimes to incriminate him. However, his great ego led him to reveal the whole truth to Sp iderMan , who managed not only to defeat him but also to make him reveal to the press every thing needed to discredit him as the "new hero" and generate enou gh evid ence for the police to arrest him. My sterio swor e reven ge and dedicated his life to destroyin g Sp ider-Man . A founding member of the supervillain team known as the Sinister Six, it was he who named the group thanks to his taste for the melodramatic. A specialist in the many uses of special effects and stunt techniq ues, Beck is one of the smartest villains in Spider-Man 's Rogu e's Gallery, bein g anoth er creation of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko . He made his first appear ance as Quen tin Beck in The Amazing Sp ider-Man #2, in Jun e 1963.

Revealed first-hand on the month ly show Insid e Iron Stu dios Day of Jun e, and already available for Pre-Order, check out the other already released statues of Sp ider-Man (Deluxe and Regular) and Venom (Deluxe and Regular), and other future releases of the arachnid hero 's archenemies like Doctor Octopus, Lizard, and Rhino, who will form with My sterio and other s the dio rama set of the Sp ider-Man vs Villains line. So on, with other supervillains from the Spiderverse in this fantastic collection with over than 10 characters by Iron Studios!

Size: 31 cm


Keräilijän patsaat, Iron Studios, Patsaat & Lukuja, Toimintahahmot & Collectibles, Marvel, Teemat, Tuotemerkit

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