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Kiss - Peter Criss (Limited Edtition) Art Scale
Kiss - Peter Criss (Limited Edtition) Art Scale Kiss - Peter Criss (Limited Edtition) Art Scale Kiss - Peter Criss (Limited Edtition) Art Scale Kiss - Peter Criss (Limited Edtition) Art Scale Kiss - Peter Criss (Limited Edtition) Art Scale

Kiss - Peter Criss (Limited Edtition) Art Scale


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Tilaa tänään - Toimitus Joulu  2024. Tilaustuote
Tilaa tänään - Toimitus Joulu  2024. Toimitus Joulu  2024





22 cm




Iron Studios






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Tietoja tuotteesta

KISS-yhtyeen Catman-hahmona tunnettu Peter Criss on yhtyeen alkuperäinen rumpali. Rumpujen soittamisen lisäksi Criss lauloi myös joitakin yhtyeen suosituimpia kappaleita, kuten Beth (itse kirjoittamansa kappale nousi Billboard Hot 100 -listalla sijalle 7), Black Diamond, Hard Luck Woman, Nothin' to Lose ja muita. Nyrkit kohotettuna ja rumpukepit valmiina, kissamainen bändin jäsen valmistautuu saamaan rummut kuulostamaan ukkoselta Iron Studiosin "Peter Criss a.k.a. The Catman - Kiss - Art Scale 1/10" -patsaassa, jonka ulkonäkö on saanut inspiraationsa vuoden 1975 albumin Alive! albumilta vuodelta 1975, jota monet pitävät yhtenä kaikkien aikojen parhaista live-albumeista!

Koko: 22 cm


Keräilijän patsaat, Iron Studios, Patsaat & Lukuja, Pop & Rock, Toimintahahmot & Collectibles, Teemat, Tuotemerkit

Product Info

Established as the Catman character on the hard rock band KISS, Peter Criss is the original drummer of the group. Besides playing the drums, Criss also did the vocals of some of the most popular songs of the band, like Beth (co-written by him, the song got to #7 on the Billboard Hot 100), Black Diamond, Hard Luck Woman, Nothin' to Lose among others. With raised fists while holding his drumsticks, the feline band member gets ready to make his drums reverberate like thunder in the statue "Peter Criss a.k.a. The Catman - Kiss - Art Scale 1/10" by Iron Studios, with the looks inspired by the cover of the album Alive! from 1975, considered by many as one of the best live albums of all time!

Since the beginning in 1973 in the city of New York, the co-founder leaders Paul Stanley (vocals and guitar) and Gene Simmons (vocals and bass), alongside Ace Frehley (guitar and vocals) and Peter Criss (acoustic drums, percussion, and vocals) took on the personas of the characters The Demon (Simmons), Starchild (Stanley), Spaceman (Frehley) and Catman (Criss), aligning with the respective design of their looks. The musician quartet, wearing bold and black leather costumes, boots with huge platform heels, and a dramatic makeup inspired by the Kabuki Japanese theater, as night creatures dressed to kill, changed the concept of musical entertainment with their elaborate theatrical shows, including flaming guitars, spitting fire and blood, pyrotechnics, and other effects, the band KISS constitute one of the biggest cultural impacts of the decade of 1970, changing the concepts of music and entertainment, becoming historically significant not only in the context and world of Rock'n'roll, but also by influencing new artists and bands of other musical styles in many segments. KISS was introduced to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in 2014, joining the most known and influential artists that had a great impact in the pop and rock industry.

With 30 Gold Records, more than 103 million albums sold worldwide, the band continues to perform in makeup, with the presence of Stanley and Simmons from the original formation. No other band used its image or marketing better, being adapted to the Marvel comics, where Criss' character, alongside the other band members of KISS, received superpowers from a wizard. The Catman in the comic books has great superhuman strength and agility and good fighting skills, which became even better with experience. Presented in detail on the Inside Iron Studios Day of August, check out the other members of the original formation of the band Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley and Ace Frehley, all available for Pre-Order.

Size: 22 cm


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