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Bride of Chucky - Talking Tiffany Doll
Bride of Chucky - Talking Tiffany Doll Bride of Chucky - Talking Tiffany Doll Bride of Chucky - Talking Tiffany Doll Bride of Chucky - Talking Tiffany Doll Bride of Chucky - Talking Tiffany Doll

Bride of Chucky - Talking Tiffany Doll


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Tilaa tänään - Toimitus Loka   2025. Tilaustuote
Tilaa tänään - Toimitus Loka   2025. Toimitus Loka   2025



38 cm




Mezco Toyz




3 kpl LR44 (mukana testiakut)




  • Tilaustuotteet, jonka arvioitu toimitusaika on aikaisintaan Loka   2025
  • Arvioitu päivämäärä perustuu toimittajan tietoihin. Viivästyksiä voi ilmetä.
  • Maksat varauksen yhteydessä 20 prosentin ennakkomaksun. Loput 80 prosenttia maksetaan, kun tuote on saapunut varastolle.
  • Heti, kun varaamasi tuote on varastossa, saat siitä ilmoituksen sähköpostitse.
  • Varauksen yhteydessä maksetaan 4,99 euron toimitusmaksu. Tällä tavalla maksat vain yhden toimitusmaksun, vaikka varaisit useita tuotteita, joiden arvioidut toimituspäivät vaihtelevat ja jotka näin ollen lähetetään erillisinä toimituksina
  • Jos arvioitu toimituspäivä viivästyy, et saa tästä enää erillistä ilmoitusta. Ota meihin yhteyttä, jos sinulla on kysyttävää varaukseesi liittyen.
  • Lisätietoja ennakkotilauksista löydät toimitusehtojemme kohdasta 5.

Tietoja tuotteesta

First introduced in the film Bride Of Chucky, Tiffany was the devoted girlfriend of killer Charles Lee Ray before his soul transferred into the 'Good Guy' doll that would come to be known as Chucky. After Chucky ended up in a police evidence vault, Tiffany used her feminine wiles to rescue him. When Chucky electrocutes her in a bathtub, he transfers her soul into a bridal doll. Now trapped in a doll body, Tiffany joins Chucky on his quest to find the Heart of Damballa, the amulet that can transfer their souls into human bodies.

Tiffany is perfectly screen-matched from her bleached-blond hair to her black work boots. Dressed in her bridal gown with "leather" jacket, she comes complete with her TIFF necklace, tattooed décolletage, and lacquered fingernails.

Just as verbose as she was in Bride Of Chucky, Tiffany has lots to say. She speaks six phrases direct from the film, activated by a discrete button on her back. Tiffany also features realistic glass-like eyes and nine points of articulation.

Tiffany comes packaged in her own collector-friendly window box perfect for display.

Requires 3 x LR44 batteries, included.


Keräilyhahmot, Child's Play, Patsaat & Lukuja, Toimintahahmot & Collectibles, Elokuva, Mezco Toyz, Teemat, Tuotemerkit

Product Info

First introduced in the film Bride Of Chucky, Tiffany was the devoted girlfriend of killer Charles Lee Ray before his soul transferred into the 'Good Guy' doll that would come to be known as Chucky. After Chucky ended up in a police evidence vault, Tiffany used her feminine wiles to rescue him. When Chucky electrocutes her in a bathtub, he transfers her soul into a bridal doll. Now trapped in a doll body, Tiffany joins Chucky on his quest to find the Heart of Damballa, the amulet that can transfer their souls into human bodies.

Tiffany is perfectly screen-matched from her bleached-blond hair to her black work boots. Dressed in her bridal gown with "leather" jacket, she comes complete with her TIFF necklace, tattooed décolletage, and lacquered fingernails.

Just as verbose as she was in Bride Of Chucky, Tiffany has lots to say. She speaks six phrases direct from the film, activated by a discrete button on her back. Tiffany also features realistic glass-like eyes and nine points of articulation.

Tiffany comes packaged in her own collector-friendly window box perfect for display.

Requires 3 x LR44 batteries, included.


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